Training Schools

The Training Schools

In the UK, histopathology training is delivered by deaneries run by Health Education England. Each deanery covers a defined geographical area and includes at least one large teaching hospital and a number of smaller hospitals. For the first year of training (ST1/Stage A) trainees are part of an ST1 Training School within a deanery. During this year trainees are in one centre and receive specific training to give them a strong foundation in histopathology. The ST1 training schools are funded separately from the rest of histopathology training. This allows them to provide three residential teaching weeks throughout the year as well as ST1 specific resources on a school-by-school basis. After stage A, trainees rotate through placements within their region.

Click on the links below to learn about the training schools.


North East (Newcastle)

Yorkshire and the Humber (Leeds and Sheffield)

East Midlands – Leicester

East Midlands – Nottingham

West Midlands (Coventry, Wolverhampton and Stoke)

North West (Manchester)

Mersey (Liverpool)

London / KSS (London/Kent Surrey Sussex)

Thames Valley (Wycombe and Oxford)

Wessex (Southampton)

South West Severn (Bristol)

South West Peninsula (Plymouth and Exeter)

East of England (MSE-Mid  & South Essex, Cambridge and Norwich)


South East – Edinburgh

East – Dundee

West – Glasgow

North – Aberdeen

Wales (North & South Wales)


Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland